International Aesthetic Medical Centre


Aging signs can be unexpectedly shown around the face and neck area from mid-20’s to early 30’s. Aging signs starts to appear from the area around the eyes, nasolabial folds (laugh line) and jaw line which gradually changes shape as it begins to lose its elasticity with aging. Various anti-aging procedures such as thread lifting, Botox and Fillers, laser assisted lipolysis, fat grafting, face lift surgery and other procedures could be done to reverse the complex aging signs that appear with time.

Skin Care Maintenance

A good skin care regimen along with a healthy lifestyle is vital as it can help delay the natural process of aging and prevent various skin problems.

The right skin care routine starts with knowing what kind of skin you have. A skin analysis can be administered to determine your skin type as well as your skin problems. Based upon results of the skin analysis, a certified dermatologist will provide a skin care regime or treatments tailored to correct the underlying skin issues to guarantee an improved overall image. The regime will classify the required use of treatments, moisturizers, cleansers and medical creams to maintain healthy skin. All of these factors are integral components of the skin care regimen for all patients.